Inn & Tavern

-- MOVING --

follow on twitter for future events

About The twine

-- moving --

The Copper Twine is a quiet, out of the way inn and tavern in the Twelveswood. Whispers of spirits and odd nights flit across the tongues of guests, but mostly they speak of it's yet cozy atmosphere and warm (if not a bit clumsy) innkeep.While the building may look in places like it is half-returned to the Shroud with blooms of copper pushing through nearly every wall, it smells of freshly baked treats and hearty spices. All are welcome to seek shelter within its walls; those down on their luck can stay a night or get a meal in exchange for helping out.There are no scheduled event nights. Pop-up events will be announced on twitter as they are planned, and the house is always available for RP with NPC staff. Please feel free to visit or use the location as a setting for scheduled RP. You may also listen in on Copper Twine Radio for added atmosphere and immersion.❤


  • If player staff is not present, or if the online staff is occupied, please feel free to RP NPC staff (Cheats) to help you at the front desk or at the bar. We only ask that you please do not RP any of the staff's player characters!

  • This is an LGBTQ+ friendly space, and we will not tolerate any bigotry on the premises.

  • While the venue is not specifically mature, dark themes may be present. We request that all clientele be at least 18 or older both IC and OOC.

  • If someone asks OOCly for anything to stop - cease immediately. Respect boundaries, period.

  • Weapons and minions are allowed, though we ask that they be in character.

  • Fights can happen, but you may be asked to take it outside if staff are present.

  • The Copper Twine is non-profit, and no real gil is required. You may tip if you feel so inclined!




(HE / HIM)Cheerful, awkward and clumsy, Palmer inherited the Copper Twine from his missing father, and left Thavnair to investigate and attend to the property.His joy is to feed people, and often never remembers to charge anyone. When he isn't busy cooking, he loves chatting with his customers and does his best to be an accommodating host.

Tal fenik

bartender & security

(THEY / THEM)An aloof Hunter that sometimes stays at the Twine whenever they find themself in the Twelveswood. They've claimed the attic loft and on occasion help Palmer out with Inn duties, including helping out on Bar when need arises, or helping customers out the door when they're too rowdy.Stoic, perfunctory, and honestly terrible with customers.

Lucia wolf


(SHE / HER)An Ishgardian Skybuilder by trade, Lucia spends much of what free time she has trying new things. Her latest interest has her dipping her toes in adventuring, which brings her to the Copper Twine often, away from the scrutinizing eyes of her noble patrons.She visits so regularly that she has a room of her own at this point, and helps out around the inn whenever she gets a chance, enjoying spending time chatting with the guests and staff alike.Lucia loves hearing retellings of adventures. Bring her an entertaining story, and she may even offer to fix your damaged gear. If the tale's good enough, she might not even charge you for the service!*art by endy

Meridian Fennel


(HE / HIM)A viera of unusual size and unsettling mien, Meridian is sometimes on hand to 'mediate' any disputes that get a little too disruptive. His conflict resolution skills usually involve grabbing someone by the back of the neck and hurling them into the yard, so it's best not to agitate him. Don't mind the spectral, skeletal hand that occasionally slips out from under his eyepatch or mask; it's often friendlier than he is.Meridian's interest lies in the well-being of the inn and, to some extent, its workers. He is either indifferent or actively hostile towards the patrons. He should not have been allowed to do this job.(Don't make prolonged eye contact if you visit the baths and he's already in there. Really, try not to make eye contact at all.)

npc staff

[ Below are characters you are welcome to write as NPCs
when player staff aren't present, or even if they are! ]


waitstaff & Greeter

(HE / HIM)An always-masked Hyur who is totally human and definitely not a Mammet or Allagan construct. Chatty and amicable, if not a bit smart-mouthed. Always willing to lend an ear and for a game of cards (Never play him though, he earned that nickname for a reason). Doesn't speak of his past much, but loves to hear about yours. Makes friends easily and loves regulars.


The Copper Twine has a variety of spaces you may utilize for RP, ranging from public spaces for larger gatherings, to more quiet, tucked away settings for more intimate interactions.All of these places are available for casual, daily RP.

Basement bar | patio | baths | master guest | storage


The main gathering place for patrons of the Twine. Home to a bar well-stocked with drinks and home-baked meals, a roaring hearth, as well as a variety of cozy corners and nooks to accommodate a variety of group sizes.


This balcony is rough and overgrown, but serene. A quiet place to step outside if the tavern is too crowded for your tastes. Enjoy your coffee while watching the setting sun, or share your meal with the fish.


Let these steaming waters wash away the stress and tensions of the day in this intimate courtyard bath and sauna. The baths are available to all guests and patrons, and include multiple seating areas for those who may just want to enjoy the moonlit atmosphere.


A spacious master guest suite for those looking to stay the night or entertain a smaller crowd. With a crackling hearth and a personal candle-lit washroom, it is perfect for romantic nights or a soothing solo retreat. On event nights this room is open for guests to mingle to escape the main floor.


A half-forgotten study turned storage room full of inherited trinkets and potentially haunted relics. Technically not open for guests, but if you need to really hide away, we doubt anyone would really stop you.

RP hooks

The Copper Twine is a host to many undocumented spirits and unusual incidents. While the malicious encounters are newer and only just now starting to grow more frequent, several peaceful spirits also call the Twine home. Here are some things your character may experience while at the Twine, and you are welcome to sprinkle them into your RP on the grounds. If your character takes an interest in the hauntings, further investigating the stories of those who came before is certainly welcome.

  • Visions of what appears to be a headless hyur clutching an unusual box paces the halls during nights of frightful weather. Appears tangible from afar, only to grow more wispy and fade if one dares to approach.

  • Poltergeist activity has grown fairly common, though is often harmless. Fallen household items, open cupboards and personal effects ending up in strange places are the most frequent experiences.

  • Heavy sobbing can occasionally be heard from the bar and lounge after close, though going to investigate always causes it to cease.

  • A tall wildwood elezen with a stern face and a bloodied right eyesocket is seen after experiencing hard shoves (often down stairs if possible) as well as more dangerous poltergeist activity such as attempting to push cabinets or heavy items to crush or injure someone. Before the attack he can always be found stalking the intended victim by appearing hulking in doorways behind them for a few rooms, though a less observant person may not notice. He is always seen on a threshold of some sort.

  • Experiencing claw marks upon waking is not common, but a few incidents have occurred when sleeping overnight in the attic. The scratches manifest with five cuts, obviously in the pattern of a large hand dragging across flesh.

  • Overnight patrons in the master guest room sometimes experience waking up to a tall duskwight woman dressed in white with bloody hands tucking them in gingerly, like a parent would a child before vanishing into the shadows.

  • Occasionally a dark figure with reflective eyes can be seen peering in through windows at night, even on the upper floors.

  • The Copper Twine often creaks and moans for as old of a building as it is, but sometimes one gets the feeling that not all of it is natural.